Why Asha?

Asha means “hope” in Bengali. We are on a mission to bring
sustainable, holistic solutions to poverty, one family at a time.

With your partnership we seek to “…loose the chains of injustice and untie
the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break
every yoke…”

Isaiah 58:6-7

651 million people are living on
less than $1.90 / day

That’s nearly 1 in every 10 people around the globe—and double the population of the USA. At Asha Partners we don’t just treat the
symptoms of poverty; we stop it at the root causes. We empower families to lift themselves out of poverty with dignity through
micro-loans while also addressing the holistic needs of the community members such as education and healthcare.

When we address poverty holistically, children go to school, girls are safe from human trafficking, health and well-being improves,
and communities thrive.

Eliminating poverty changes everything.

Not only are we helping those that felt forgotten to flourish, but
we’re transforming communities – sustainably and holistically.

How do we eliminate poverty?

We research the needs of the communities we seek to serve and target our programs to most effectively address the root causes of
poverty. Our micro-loan centers provide financial literacy training, a support network, and insurance programs to help new
entrepreneurs be successful from the beginning.


Eliminating poverty changed the lives of Aisha,

Rehena, Pooja and Salman…Read their stories.

Mahmud’s trafficked daughter

Like many in his South Asian Village community, Mahmud’s family was so poor that his children often went to bed hungry. The menial day jobs available near his village never quite brought in enough income to meet his family’s basic needs. One day, visitors to Mahmud’s village offered to give his teenage daughter, Aisha, a good work opportunity in a Middle Eastern country.


The incredible story of a female entrepreneur – sewing machine

Rehena grew up poor. Helping her mother clean and repair clothing throughout her childhood earned her little more than a few cents per day. Being forced to live on no more than a daily handful of rice, Rehena knew the sting of hunger all too well. As she grew she had little education and very few skills to her advantage. With the little background she had, she did, however, know how to work with fabric.


Discover her pregnancy was unlike others

Most girls in Pooja’s village are given in marriage at a young age, so it was not unusual for her to be pregnant at 16 years old. Many of her friends were as well.



In this region plagued by poverty, it is not uncommon for young children to enter the workforce at age 7, many without the opportunity to attend any formal education system at all.


When you give through Asha Partners,
your impact is multiplied.

When you invest in poverty alleviation and holistic community transformation projects, you are bringing hope to
the unreached. Micro-loans are gifts that keep giving. A family who takes out a micro-loan pays it back, so it can
help family after family, indefinitely.

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