Start a Campaign

Want to help our cause but don’t have the money yourself?
Start a campaign for what you want to benefit!

Step 1.

Decide what you are passionate about.
Schools, micro-loans, medical missions, you decide!

Step 2.

Go to and Sign In to begin a campaign

Step 3.

Design it. Personalize it. Make it Yours!


Buy a Cow for a Family in Need!

Amount needed: $375

Did you know a cow can produce up to 6 gallons of milk PER DAY? For only $375, a family in need in Bangladesh can receive a loan to buy a cow. That family can then sell the milk and work their way from extreme poverty! That loan is then repaid and resent out to fund MORE micro-loans! This one-time donation will continue to help numerous families over many years. There are few more sustainable ways to eliminate poverty. Please help me in blessing this family in need.

Even more ambitious? How about help fund the construction of a new school, or contribute to our medical missions.
Email [email protected] for our heavy projects!

Need a picture? Feel free to copy and paste one from our site!

Step 4.

Designate the recipient

When asked, “Who will withdraw the money?,” select “Someone Else”.

Enter the following information:
First Name: ASHA
Last Name: Partners
Email: [email protected]

Step 5.

Publish and Share!

Get the word out! Post to social media, email to friends, present at church.
100% of what you raise (less GoFundMe’s 7.9%) will go directly to the project you fund!

Add Impact To Your Inbox

You’ll get emails each month with inspiring stories about how families are coming out of poverty with love and hope, and tangible ways you can help those in need.