Like many in his South Asian Village community, Mahmud’s family was so poor that his children often went to bed hungry. The menial day jobs available near his village never quite brought in enough income to meet his family’s basic needs. One day, visitors to Mahmud’s village offered to give his teenage daughter, Aisha, a good work opportunity in a Middle Eastern country.

With the understanding that she could help earn and send home more than enough money for their family, Mahmud accepted their kind and generous offer. However, moments after seeing Aisha off at the airport, he came to understand that this was actually a deceptive human trafficking ploy. Horrified, he realized he was helpless to protect her against the dangers that lie ahead and that he may never see her again. Distraught and overwhelmed, he fainted right there at the airport.

A few weeks later, he learned about the micro-loan program available through Asha Partners. He enrolled in the two-month small business training program and was approved to receive a loan to buy a boat. He started a ferry service across a neighboring channel which brought in more than enough income to provide for his family. The new ferry service he offered also blessed his community by opening up new markets and work opportunities for the other villagers! He paid back the first loan, and he and his wife opened a small grocery store with their boat business profit and took out a second loan to expand. The family now eats three meals a day, and Mahmud’s son and younger daughter are able to attend school, no longer vulnerable to human trafficking.

Most wonderful of all, through involvement with our ministry, Mahmud came to learn of the eternal hope he could have through Jesus. Now he, his family, and many in his community have been transformed physically, socially, and spiritually.

Despite Mahmud’s successes, Aisha is still missing. Will you join us in praying that she will be returned home?
Additionally, YOU can help fathers like Mahmud provide for and protect their families by partnering with Asha Partners.

Fund a Micro-Loan