Can you imagine being faced with the choice of starvation or selling your own child?

That’s the dilemma one family experienced when the father, Shakil, broke his back and could not work to provide for his family. Already in poverty, he sold everything he had–including two of his children.

The mother and daughter were about to become human trafficking victims in the Middle East when, providentially, we learned of their plight. We were able to provide medical treatment and a micro-loan for Shakil, and soon the family was restored.

Because of the help they received through the micro-loan program, they were able to buy back their two children. We were also able to open the first primary school in their village where we then employed the mother, and where the children now attend.

There are thousands like Shakil’s family waiting for micro-loans — will you help?

Asha Partners serves over 1.7 million+ people in poverty, including the distribution of over 405,770+ micro-loans, bringing the opportunity for thousands of families to come out of poverty with dignity and also learn of the love of Jesus.

In developing nations such as where Asha Partners is at work, micro-loans can be instrumental in bringing lasting hope and transformation. As a Christian humanitarian organization, we are dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities to empower those in poverty with the love and hope of Christ.

Fund A Micro-Loan